Wednesday, June 9, 2010

missing my boys

I am leaving my boys this Friday for a long time. Over a week (okay, so it's not thaaat long, but kind of long for this gal). I am heading off to Minnesota to counsel at the church camp I have been volunteering at for the last 8 years. I am getting that I-am-so-excited-because-I-love-camp-and-fires-and-pals-and-even-mosquitoes feeling...but I am going to miss these guys. Quintin is growing so fast and Handsome...well, how can you leave a guy who wears socks with his sandals? (I promise he doesn't go out like that in public. Really.)


We tried to do a quick photo shoot to document Quintin's size. He's growing so fast, the vet won't even let us feed him puppy food any more. Only the grown up stuff for this big guy. He posed so well with Handsome, but as you can see...not so well for me. Someday I will get a picture with this little black lug. And it will be great.

1 comment:

A Gluten Freestyle said...

Wow such a gorgeous dog! Lovely photos.
Hope you had a great weekend.