Tuesday, July 13, 2010

happy birthday most wonderful lady!

Last night was my beautiful mother's 61st birthday! Happy birthday to the most amazing woman and rolemodel I have ever met in my whole life. You are secretly my hero (even if you did force me to eat squash when I was a kid. I forgive you!).

It is hard to believe how much can change in 365 days of life. At this very time last year, we were visiting Nebraska to throw you, our healthy mother, a surprise birthday party. We had no clue that in just a few months you would be diagnosed with stage 4 ovarian cancer. And I'm glad we had no clue.

But now we know. And we're doing okay. You are our inspiration and I thank God every day for allowing us to spend another full year with you! He is so merciful. I love you a billion times over, Mom. Happy Birthday!!

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