Monday, July 12, 2010

it's been a while...

I have been MIA. for a long time. oops.

The summer has definitely been heating up with all sorts of activities which have prevented regular blogging in this neck-of-the-woods. I have been strolling all over the countryside the past few weeks - hugging family members, celebrating events, gobbling up nature, and even trying to get a tan (which is pretty much impossible for my pale white skin).

This is the week...the week I try to capture the past few week's worth of action on this blog. Today I'll give it my first shot.

My dearest friend Jennifer turned 25 (yes, a whole quarter-of-a-century) at the end of June. We have literally been best buddy pals since we were born. I love her so much! To celebrate the occasion, we had a Sweeney Todd birthday party at my place. A little cupcake decorating, a few presents, and a demented barber lusting after blood...what more could you ask for your most special of days?

I even found time to dig out my sewing machine and whip up a new handbag to serve as my present to her. It has been far too long since I have been able to do that...dastardly school...always sucking up my "free" time!

I love you Jenn...thank you for being my pal for the past 25 years!

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