Wednesday, August 11, 2010

moda messenger bag

When I began my Etsy shop, I always had plans of sewing my own bag just for with pockets just for me, one that was just the right size for me, one that was...well, you get the idea. Unfortunately, once the sewing started, I was so busy making bags for others that I couldn't quite find the time to make my own. Then I went back to school and my plans really fell to the wayside.

Then last night at 4:00 am (I suppose that is this morning, if you want to be technical) my sewing plans finally panned out. And this was the result....

I was so happy with the finished product! I used Hunky Dory fabric by Moda in coordinating patterns. Inside, there is a pocket for everything I carry - two tubes of cherry Chapstick, a cell phone, my camera, a wallet or two, and room for a few extra things just in case! I also added an adjustable strap so I could carry the bag on my shoulder or across my body. It got finished just in time for me to enter it in Tea Rose Home's link party!

It only took 2 years, but I got my bag! Now to start work on a diaper bag for my sister...

Monday, August 2, 2010

one lucky girl...

Another great weekend filled with projects, puppies, and an amazing husband has come to a close. Last night while I was lying in bed, two warm arms wrapped around me in the dark and wished me good night.

I love being married to this man.

Monday, July 26, 2010

not-so-buried treasure

Almost four months ago, we packed up our ginormous moving van and headed from the "big" city to my Nebraskan hometown. Population 2,820 (pending our most recent census of course!). As we said our good byes and got geared up for the long journey across miles of not-so-impressive terrain, the most popular question on our pals' lips was, "We're excited for you...but what is there to do out there?" While I tried to think of the hundreds of exciting adventures Dale and I would have once we were back at home in the wild, wild west, I have to admit...I drew a blank. Not one of those little blanks where you can stumble around and then recover, but a big blank. The truth: I had no clue what we would do out here.

Once again, however, I found that truth is stranger (and even better) than fiction. While I was trying to dream up adventures to impress my old city gang, real-honest-to-goodness-not-even-made-up adventures were waiting for me right here. I just had to look around a bit to find them.

This weekend, my mom took me on an adventure. In this dusty little town, right on the corner of the main drag by the third (and last) stoplight in town...we have a museum. A museum that, in all of my days spent wandering these streets as a kid, I had never even considered visiting. We entered the front door, paid our $1 admissions fee, and discovered all sorts of adventures that have happened to the people in our little town.

This couple were honest-to-goodness homesteaders. We are talking Little House on the Prairie style - sod house and everything. I love the look in her eyes...perfect trust in her man. The way it should be. Hmmm...romance. I love it.

And this machine...rescued out of an old Main street beauty salon. No, it is not an early form of child discipline, it is an old permanent machine. Guaranteed to get gorgeous, curly locks (if you didn't get electrocuted first). The things we gals do for beauty...

These old boots were another of my favorites...they were so narrow and delicate. I tried to imagine squooshing my foot in and strapping these babies up for a night on the town. Not happening. I wouldn't have lasted a day in the early 1900s. Not a single day.

And then my absolute favorite. Nebraska County 66. It has been on every license plate my parents ever put on our cars growing up. I have traveled across the country with this number sandwiching a car full of the most important treasures I have on this earth. When I finally got my license, my first car Dudley (RIP) proudly bore the 66 on his front bumper until he was no more. And now it is on my car again, getting me ready for a whole new set of adventures. I love being home.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

walking for mom...

This weekend, I had the honor of walking alongside my whole family in our county's Relay For Life event. It was amazing night filled with stories of loss, fear, determination, and survival. I get itty bitty chills just thinking about it. Really.

My mom has been involved in this event for years, but this time it was different. She was wearing the purple survivor shirt this year. Somehow it made it more real. Watching her walk around the track with other brave survivors from our small town. It stirred up my emotional pot in a way I didn't expect...but in a good way too. There are so many brave men, women, and children who have faced this disease and have such beautiful attitudes and spirits about it.

Our little town raised over $25,000 to send to the Cancer Society this weekend! If you ever get a chance to participate in an event like this, do it! In the mean time, send up a prayer for a cancer patient today!

Monday, July 19, 2010

families are like fudge...mostly sweet with a few nuts...

Last week, Dale and I hopped in our SUV and headed back to Wisconsin for a long weekend of family time...more than just family reunion time. Yes, those two little words can strike fear into the bravest of hearts, but we tightened our belts, put on our happy faces, and struck out on this adventure just the same. While I have roped Dale into more than his fair share of reunions on my side of the fam, this was my first on his side. I expected the worst...awkward moments with crazy aunts, having to change odorous diapers at every turn, perhaps even enduring hours and hours of stories about "the way things used to be."


I. had. a. blast. I mean it. Not just a good time. A blast. The family was amazing - no scary stories, no weird odors, not a dirty diaper to speak of (well, at least none that I had to change). Instead of hours upon hours of pain and misery, I found myself secretly hoping that a freak natural disaster would occur barring off all of the exits and forcing us to stay just a few more days.

God has given me one kick-butt extended family. (And p.s. - if you are interested in having a good time, talk to Dale's grandma. She really knew how to rock a party back in the day). macaroni is currently boiling over...

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

happy birthday most wonderful lady!

Last night was my beautiful mother's 61st birthday! Happy birthday to the most amazing woman and rolemodel I have ever met in my whole life. You are secretly my hero (even if you did force me to eat squash when I was a kid. I forgive you!).

It is hard to believe how much can change in 365 days of life. At this very time last year, we were visiting Nebraska to throw you, our healthy mother, a surprise birthday party. We had no clue that in just a few months you would be diagnosed with stage 4 ovarian cancer. And I'm glad we had no clue.

But now we know. And we're doing okay. You are our inspiration and I thank God every day for allowing us to spend another full year with you! He is so merciful. I love you a billion times over, Mom. Happy Birthday!!

Monday, July 12, 2010

it's been a while...

I have been MIA. for a long time. oops.

The summer has definitely been heating up with all sorts of activities which have prevented regular blogging in this neck-of-the-woods. I have been strolling all over the countryside the past few weeks - hugging family members, celebrating events, gobbling up nature, and even trying to get a tan (which is pretty much impossible for my pale white skin).

This is the week...the week I try to capture the past few week's worth of action on this blog. Today I'll give it my first shot.

My dearest friend Jennifer turned 25 (yes, a whole quarter-of-a-century) at the end of June. We have literally been best buddy pals since we were born. I love her so much! To celebrate the occasion, we had a Sweeney Todd birthday party at my place. A little cupcake decorating, a few presents, and a demented barber lusting after blood...what more could you ask for your most special of days?

I even found time to dig out my sewing machine and whip up a new handbag to serve as my present to her. It has been far too long since I have been able to do that...dastardly school...always sucking up my "free" time!

I love you Jenn...thank you for being my pal for the past 25 years!

Monday, June 28, 2010

two years ago today...

I married a handsome and wonderful man.

Thank you Dale for spending your time the last two years being my best friend, date, therapist, comedian, comforter, and feet warmer.

I love you more than I thought I ever could.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

a week of camp

I just got back from a week of camp counseling at our church's summer camp. so. much. fun. Every year, I wonder if this should be my last year of counseling (this was my eighth year). I wonder if I am getting too old to connect with the kids, but every year, I become a little bit more addicted.

I love everything about camp. The kids. The memories. The constant smell of bug spray and campfire. The new counselors I get to meet each year. The time I get to spend praising my God.

Every year, it is just what I need to get back on track.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

missing my boys

I am leaving my boys this Friday for a long time. Over a week (okay, so it's not thaaat long, but kind of long for this gal). I am heading off to Minnesota to counsel at the church camp I have been volunteering at for the last 8 years. I am getting that I-am-so-excited-because-I-love-camp-and-fires-and-pals-and-even-mosquitoes feeling...but I am going to miss these guys. Quintin is growing so fast and Handsome...well, how can you leave a guy who wears socks with his sandals? (I promise he doesn't go out like that in public. Really.)


We tried to do a quick photo shoot to document Quintin's size. He's growing so fast, the vet won't even let us feed him puppy food any more. Only the grown up stuff for this big guy. He posed so well with Handsome, but as you can see...not so well for me. Someday I will get a picture with this little black lug. And it will be great.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

a little bit of frill goes a long way...

I miss sewing. A lot. Unfortunately, since I went back to school again last winter, my hobby has been on the back burner (as you can see from my sad, lonely, and all-together-empty Etsy shop). If the little time elves allowed, these are the beautiful pieces I would be trying to emulate with my sewing machine this summer. Hmmmm....(insert longing sigh here). I have found myself madly in love with white ruffles.

Check out these talented seamstresses at their Etsy shops and drool with me.

1. Roses and Creme Ruffle Dress by amandaarcher

2. Tea for Two Dress by sarahseven

3. Flora Tee by elizandaxel

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

memorial day memories

(Josh, me, Handsome, and Luke)

I can not explain how gorgeous my Memorial Day weekend truly was. Perfect weather. Perfect company. Perfect everything.

My brother-in-law from Texas was in town for the day and my sister had to work, so I got her husband to hang out with too. Lucky me got to spend the day with three fabulous fellows running around the great outdoors. We went hiking, waterfall-seeking, lake wading, and tried playing some football on the beach (they coordination needs a bit of work).

Heavenly. Absolutely heavenly.

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Saturday, May 29, 2010

a treasure chest

This week, I got my very own treasure chest from my mom. My great-grandmother's sewing chest...a whole expandable box full of all her thread, needles, and knick knacks! It meant so much to me - my great grandmother gave this to my grandma years ago. I never really knew either of them - I had never met my great grandmother and my grandma passed away when I was very young. This made me feel so close to them - knowing that we all share the same passion. And it makes me feel close to my own mother who passed this down to me - she was the one who helped me make my first dress...and trust me, that was not a pleasant experience!

I just love looking through the contents - you can just see the resourcefulness of their generations...all of the little hooks and snaps are held in my great grandmother's old prescription boxes. Small buttons are held in an old cigarette tin. Needles are kept tightly in place by part of an old card. I could definitely learn a thing or too about the waste-not-want-not mentality from these ladies.

Thank you mom and grandma and great grandma for this amazing gift...I promise to treasure it until I have someone to pass it down to!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

we lost one

Handsome left today for his cousin's wedding back in Wisconsin. I stayed home with the pup...too much homework to do...bah.

I wore his shoes out to the garden a few minutes ago because I was too lazy to untie mine (please don't judge me). They were really big.

I miss him.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

after the storm

If you happened to watch the Weather Channel yesterday (no, that channel isn't just for nerds...I like it too!) you probably noticed that the Midwest was littered with thunderstorms, damaging winds, hail and tornadoes.

We were blessed here and traded in a tornado for 50+ mile per hour winds, a good splash of rain, and a dash of hail. I'll take it.

Once the wind had died down and the rain water had soaked into my newly planted garden, we got this - the most gorgeous sky I have ever seen. I ran around the house for five minutes trying to snap a billion pictures without waking the puppy. One moment the beauty was there and the next second the sky was only lasted a few minutes, but it was breathtaking.

Monday, May 24, 2010

a weekend away...

This weekend, my parents and I made the trek back to my previous hometown of Eau Claire, Wisconsin. It was graduation weekend for one of my cousins and a family friend. It was two wonderful days full of catching up, vegging out, and not getting nearly enough sleep...

On our final night in town, my sister and I treated our parents to a night at Vino in the Valley - our favorite dining spot. If you are ever in the Wisconsin area - this charming open-air restaurant is a must! Enjoy a plate of steaming hot pasta that rivals Lake Superior for size...and the bread - oh, the bread! Hot bread delivered nonstop to your table as "That's Amore" is sung by the entire restaurant. It is the perfect place for peace, tranquility, and carb overload.

Please go...I promise you'll like it.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

diana f+ wins my heart

The diana f+ - I never thought such a short little phrase could win my heart so easily. This spring, I was finally able to purchase one of these little gals all for my very own. Just a few weeks ago I let her loose on the open range. Handsome and I spent two nights driving around the area, snapping pictures.

There is something special about using real film in a camera - it makes you so much more selective and careful about what you choose to remember. Every shot feels monumental.

Not every photo turned out as I imagined, but it was still amazing. I could remember the smallest details about all of the shots - even the blurry, out-of-focus, oops-my-hands-were-shaking-a-bit-too-much shots.

I can't wait to let her loose again.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

and then there were three

yesterday was an monumental day for our growing family was the day where our little family of two turned into a comfortable family of three. he cuddles. he snuggles. he gets really confused when you try to play fetch. he's quintin. and now he is all ours.

Friday, May 14, 2010

my favorite blur ever

yesterday, i stumbled across a gem. no, not the sparkly kind (even though i really like those too), but a blurry gem. this gem.

this picture was taken right after handsome and i got engaged - almost four years ago (am i getting old? i did see a rather unflattering wrinkle by my right eye the other day...eek, i am digressing). i love this picture. i know that handsome is blurry and it looks like i am trying to eat his ear...but looking at it makes me warm and content inside.

it is just like love is supposed to be - 1 part out of focus, 1 part indescribable, and 2 parts giggling.

i am glad i have this picture.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

the day my curtains died.

today was a wonderful day. yeah, i should have been working. i should have been doing the hoard of laundry piled up in my bedroom so that handsome didn't have to wear gym shorts in 40-something degree weather today. i should have done a lot of things. but i did this instead...see those curtains up there? yeah, those really long ones. just a bit too long for this gal.

see that kinda disheveled pillow up there? those white specks - well those aren't just subtle polka dots. those little buggers are lint wads. you heard me, lint wads.

now a special note to my sewing machine: thank you for hanging out with me this afternoon. I think we accomplished some marvelous things. my curtains are shorter. the lint is covered. and i got to use buttons. i love buttons. we are a good team.

a good day had by all.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

i happen to know a wonderful lady...

mom and her four girls in branson, mo this fall

i have never been very sentimental on mother's day. sure, i picked up a card and a gift and gave my mom a quick hug - but to me it always seemed like one of those canned holidays orchestrated in a workshop somewhere to make someone rich. card companies. flower companies. whoever. someone was making a whole mess-o-cash just reminding us to do what we should do every day - tell our mothers how much they mean to us. how much they shape us.

this year was different.

this mother's day, my mom has cancer. i don't know how many more days i'll get to honor my mother.

today i made a special brunch and hugged the woman that has been my everything for the past 25 years. today i truly celebrated mother's day for the first time.

thank you mom, for teaching me how to be me. i love you.

Friday, May 7, 2010

handsome finds a lake...

we found a lake. a few weekends ago.

handsome - i just wanted to let you know that i love you even though you don't really have a butt. you are goofy and wonderful. and that is why i you are my favorite guy.

today's friday. yippee skippee.

Monday, May 3, 2010

return to sender

among my weekend projects was this little ditty. we just moved into our new place, and the mailbox, well - it had seen its better days. let's just say there is now one less nest of spiders in the world.

yes, i dreamt of a brand new mailbox to hang outside my door and greet everyone who entered, but the checkbook was screaming in agony from our move already and couldn't support another venture. solution: one can of spray paint, a paint brush, and a bit of latex enamel. the result: one cheerful and inviting mailbox by my front door.

i've never been so excited to get my mail.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

babies and gardens and dinners, oh my!

(baby zoey this weekend...yes, my heart is currently melting)

whirlwind: any circling rush or violent onward course.

okay, so it wasn't exactly a whirlwind, and it certainly wasn't violent, but this weekend was a rush. a good rush, though - like the kind you get when you're trying to eat your grape popsicle in 90 degree weather before it creates purple pools of sugar all over your hands.

saturday, dale (the handsome husband mentioned in my bio) and I got to watch my dear and lovely pal's niece. yes, she is as adorable in person as she is in pictures. i think i have fallen in love with her.

although zoey was the highlight of our weekend, we managed to host two dinner dates (and i didn't even burn anything!!), plant a garden, and paint an end table. although i can't know for sure, i feel in my heart that martha would be proud of me. i feel so unnaturally domestic. (insert contented sigh here).

Friday, April 30, 2010

i am a murderer of plants today

this is not my yard...but i wish it were

hmmm...did i miss the real arbor day? today i found myself up to my ankles (literally, it was really tall) in grass, mowing and a yard that was not my own. i got sweaty. i got tired. i rolled my eyes a few times. i may or may not have destroyed a few flowers with a lawn mower on purpose just because i could. oops.

but it was wonderful. today i spent the afternoon with my family
mowing the yard of a woman who lives by herself and is battling

today i had a wonderful day.